By Brian Kelly
With Brian Kelly's plans for illegal immigration "guests," the 60 million interlopers in America have a better shot at life than in their home countries? So do American citizens who today are the big losers as the interlopers work for peanuts.
The Congressional solution to the occupation of the US by 60 million illegal foreign nationals is trumped by the idea that border security must come first. Yet, this appears to be merely a ruse by Congressmen in the pockets of lobbyists and donors. Border security never comes first. In fact, it never comes, period. In the days of America with leadership such as Congressman Matt Cartwright, President Joseph Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, they don't even speak of border security anymore. Perhaps they believe Americans are OK with their ruse and inaction. Their goal is obviously to permit as many illegal immigrant potential voters into the US while they still have power. Then, when they get power again, they will put amnesty into the package and somehow convince even Republicans to vote for it. Americans must be careful for whom we vote in 2022. That's why Brian Kelly is running. Write him in and you will be ahead on immigration solutions for sure. Read the rest. There is lots of information here.
To demonstrate how active I, your candidate and author Brian Kelly has been in engineering solutions for the border, here are the books I have written over the years to address the problem. These are the current versions of the books. I keep getting better ideas. I have been writing books about the immigration topic since 2008. There was always a better way and so I would write the next book to improve on the prior best way I knew. Each time the solution gets better. When Amazon reinstates my account, you will be able to access each book via the URL below
Here are the books:
0. First Edition: Taxation Without Representation (from 2008)
This is the first book in which I attack the problems with illegal immigration. Just as in 1776, today's Americans are overtaxed and lacking genuine representation.
- The Lifetime Guest Plan (from 2015)
Finally, A long-term immigration fix that puts Americans first!
- The US Immigration Fix. July 26, 2016
The Immigration fix demanded by Americans. Very achievable.
- No Amnesty! No Way!, Original 2013, revised Aug 27, 2016
Classic book about freeloading & taking advantage of American goodwill
- Americans Need Not Apply, (from 2011, released on Aug 27, 2016)
Illegal foreign nationals, offshoring, visa abuse--no jobs for Americans.
- The US Immigration Fix The Trump Way Sept 9, 2016
A Donald Trump Plan to fix problem - 60 million interlopers in America.
- President D. J. Trump, “The Annual Guest Plan” Jan 21, 2017
A long-term immigration fix that puts Americans first
- 60 Million Illegal Aliens in America!!!:
A simple, America-first solution.
- Pay-To-Go-- America-First Immigration Fix Oct 16, 2017
No More Deportations; We can afford stipends and save Welfare dollars
- Legalizing Illegal Aliens Via Resident Visas Oct 27, 2017
A great Americans-first plan which saves $Trillions. Learn how!
- Taxation Without Representation 4th Edition Jan 4, 2018
Can the U.S. Avoid Another "Boston Tea Party?"
Twenty consecutive years of non-responsive Presidencies, unprotected borders, and a Congress with more blame to go around than accomplishments yields a catastrophic failure of a report card. Kelly illustrates how public servants are so overwhelmed with self-interests, special interests, the interests of corporations and the interests of other countries that they have no time to work for the people. He eviscerates, with cogence and gusto, the veneer of honor cloaking some of our nation’s most dishonorable public servants.
How to End DACA, Sanctuary Cities, & Resident Illegal Aliens Oct 2018
This is the best solution to wipe out all the shadows in America.
end of list
The theories behind what to do with the 60 million interlopers have been refined over the years by Brian Kelly. When elected to Congress, Mr. Kelly will be able to effectively author legislation to solve the crisis with 60 million illegal aliens living in the United States.
Everybody else who seems to care, talks about the immigrants flooding into the country. Donald Trump solved this in his four year term and Republicans will solve it again when they kick the Democrats out of office. I will be pleased if I am the only Democrat serving in 2022. I am a conservative.
Biden’s border crisis is not the only issue with immigrants. Ask yourself what we do with the 60 million interlopers who currently reside in America? The border crisis is solved by reinstituting the Trump Remain in Mexico Program as ordered in August 2021 by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). This is a great solution and it is the right solution. The Kelly plan addresses the problem of having 60 million illegal aliens residing in the country with many collecting welfare. This is a bigger problem. Your author developed this solution after more than 15 years of research into the matter. You will enjoy the solutions.
Countries as far away as Australia have problems with migrants taking native jobs and gobbling up the country’s resources. They use a technique called the Assisted Voluntary Return as part of an overall Pay-to-Go plan to incent migrants to leave Australia and return back home. Pay-to-Go is run success-fully across the world. It pays both travel expenses and offers a generous stipend for those who sign up for the offer to return home. Instead of giving interlopers $450 million to stay in AMerica, give them about a tenth of that to leave.
But, what about those who would not leave the USA no matter what the incentive? Are we better off with the remainder of 60 million illegal interlopers staying in the shadows of America, rather than devising a plan to solve the problem of the immigrant shadows in a fair way that keeps America whole and immigrants safe and makes Americans masters of our own country again?
The last official try by eight corrupt US Senators was called the Gang-of-Eight plan in 2013 and it basically gave up America and Americans for the benefit of illegal interlopers. It put them on a fast track to citizenship that would cost US taxpayers up to $6.3 Trillion with all of its provisions. In 2013, Americans told Congress and the House voted “no” and we sent the Gang of Eight Senators packing.
Unfortunately, if we do nothing to end the tremendous cost and sacrifice of accommodating the 60 million illegal interlopers in the shadows of the USA, we cannot sustain our resolve. Will the gang of 8 re-emerge and take us down? How long can we Americans withstand this situation, which many rightfully call A Mexican Standoff. Our country is clearly in chaos; a race to the bottom in wages is underway; and regular Americans are losing the jobs and are losing the low-wages war every day.
Meanwhile, there is no American consensus as Democrat-dominated American cities and certain Democrat states offer sanctuary to illegal foreigners rather than supporting the needs of American citizens. The point is that if we opt to do nothing, this real standoff in the USA is scheduled never to end.
The one clear choice for those wishing to stay in America would be if we can legalize interlopers with no benefits. This would end the sanctuaries and the shadows and be good for everybody. I think we can do it.
In my immigration books I divulge the plans. In addition to Pay to Go, you can read the details of how to legalize Illegal Aliens via Resident Visas. It takes interlopers out of the shadows and gives them the opportunity they seek while keeping Americans whole and keeping the country prospering. You're going to like this America-first plan built by an American for Americans.
Since 1986 in the Reagan amnesty at a clip of about 3 million per year, interlopers have chosen to cross the southern border or simply overstay their visas in order to gain residence in the US. I challenge anybody to show proof that there are less than 60 million interlopers living and working in the US today.
Over time, because Democrats like the idea that the new dependent foreign class will vote Democrat one day, and Republican political elites want so much to please their donor class, who employ these "residents" at sub-minimum wage rates; that our government again intentionally has chosen to ignore the wishes of the American people to serve their own greed.
The Donald Trump and Ted Cruz plans definitely stopped the new potential illegal foreign nationals at the border. However, nobody seemed to care when Biden reversed these programs. Now, everybody seems to care because Biden has proven to be incompetent on the border as is the Border Czar VP Kamala Harris. The illegal residents are beginning to think they own significant parts of America. My solution addresses the latter and it is the product of a lot of research and thinking. It was once called the Annual Guest Plan and it should be passed and implemented ASAP in its new forms -- Pay to Go, and the Resident Visa. I will work as your Congressman to assure it happens.
Over the last six years, I wrote two books, Americans Need Not Apply, and No Amnesty! No Way! These books captured the essence of the problem of 60,000,000 foreign interlopers living in America. Initially I had no solution so I kept researching and thinking and researching and thinking and finally it came to me. What if we made a deal with the interlopers and the American people within which both parts of the puzzle could live and be OK! Here is the essence of the Plan but there is lots more.
As long as a "guest" interloper is well behaved, and we get to define what that means, they will have a right to live in America and hold a job for which an American citizen is not competing. Resident Visa Holders will be 100% out of the shadows and will live like you and I within our neighborhoods, paying for housing as we do. Their kids will go to school and they will pay school taxes like you and I.
In order to gain their status they must promise not to be a burden (defined as costing taxpayers) or they will voluntarily deport. The government will help in their deportation and in fact may offer a substantial stipend of $5,000 to $10,000 for those who agree to go and not come back without paying back their to-date burden.
Americans will not pay a dime for interlopers for education, healthcare or general living. Iron clad identification databases and ID cards with biometrics will be issued and those without such identification will be deported immediately once the program is in full implementation. EMTALA will be provided but the annual guest receiver must immediately self deport if they cost taxpayers a dime.
Resident Visa Holders must begin their freedom in the US by registering at no charge at one of many facilities. US officials will know all illegal foreign nationals at that point as their status will be legal. They must apply for an annual guest visa and be approved or agree to be deported if they do not apply or do not gain such status.
Americans believe the influx of illegal foreign nationals hurts them and from my own observations, we Americans are 100% correct. The table turned for four years in this program with the citizen holding all the TRUMP cards. But Biden changed all that.
Interlopers who become resident visa holders will have no welfare or health benefits other than those provided by their employers. If they seek US benefits, they will agree to be summarily deported. They will not be able to vote in any election in the US for any office local, municipality, state, or federal. Unless they return to their home country, and begin a process like all others from that country, they can never become a citizen of the US.
Registration will be free for a period until it is obvious all should be registered (perhaps 3 months) at which time registration will have a charge of say $50.00. All registrants must pay $100.00 to apply for lifetime guest status and go through a vetting process. Those granted annual guest status merely have to be well behaved. In year two, each lifetime guest must appear in front of US officials to be vetted again and pay their annual guest fee of $100. The fee is $100 per year every year unless it costs more to process them. Each year until the plan is proven. LGPG's must make personal appearances and pay their $100.00 to get their card renewed.
The key point is that these folks are guests of American citizens. They are not American Citizens or ¼ citizens, or ½ citizens. They are guests. Once registered and approved, they have a special right granted by the citizens of the US to remain in the US as long as they are well-behaved, and no longer.
They have no special privileges. American Citizens have all the privileges of citizens in their own country / state.
There are other advanced notions in the plan that may help US officials deal better with the ongoing issue of people wanting to crash into America uninvited for various purposes.
For example, The Plan should never cost the US more than if the plan were not in force. Illegal foreign nationals who choose to be annual guests and are granted permission are not permitted to ever become a burden, financial or otherwise on the citizenry of the USA.
You have read a very light introduction to a very detailed plan intended for the benefit of Americans, but nonetheless accommodates over 60,000,000 foreign interlopers simply because America is a kind nation, and Americans have big hearts.
There is no reason for Americans to pay for guests in any category, though the burden for such interlopers has been very large for taxpayers over the years.
And so, a look at the costs of not having a annual guest plan v having such a plan; it is obvious that there will be some special things that can be done to help keep families together.
For example, suppose an anchor baby through his or her parents could choose to take a $50,000 stipend to give up anchor baby citizen status and go home with his or her parents. What if the US also provided a large stipend for the mother and father to be resettled in a safe area of their home country?
They could start anew with a bankroll and become big-shot entrepreneurs in their home country. There may be families who could gain a grub stake of as little as $70,000 to several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the # of children, to start fresh in their home country with their families intact. Why would they want to stay in America with no grand prize?
The idea of the Plan is to help those stuck in America doing meaningless labor for peanuts. It is also a plan to help Americans subjugated to the effects of a new but clandestine wage scale that comes before all minimum wages, for which they cannot compete.
The above short essay is just a sampling of the ideas in one of the books by Brian Kelly titled, The Lifetime Guest Plan! It is still available at
Here is the cover of the original Lifetime Guest Plan, It is the precursor of the more current Resident Visa Plan and Pay to Go!.
The immigration plans were all developed by Brian Kelly from 2008 to today and released as The Kelly Plan. Brian examined the gang of eight plan, existing law, and other notions about how to solve the nation’s problem with illegal residents. He found none addressed all of the issues that having 20 million to 60 million illegal foreign nationals in residence brought to America. He read the gang of eight plan in 2013, and noticed that it smelled a lot like it was purposely designed to kill America.
No jobs would be left for Americans; newly unemployed Americans would have to pay for newly minted citizens; voting in national elections was not ruled out; 33 million more foreign nationals would be invited; It would cost over $6 trillion. It was a terrible deal for the country. Kelly looked at all of the things that Americans did not like and he looked at what the interlopers liked. He figured out a way to permit well-behaved interlopers to stay in America while giving Americans priority in all ways. This plan actually will work and it will solve the problem and take a huge financial burden off the backs of Americans.
Brian W. Kelly is the leading conservative author in America. He is an outspoken and eloquent expert on immigration solutions. Though a Democrat, he is a JFK Democrat. One of his pet peeves is the chicanery and deceit of RINOS on conservative Americans.
Kelly is the author of Saving America; Taxation without Representation; Americans Need Not
Apply; No Amnesty! No Way!; Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!; The Constitution 4 Dummmies!; and many other conservative books.
Like many Americans, Brian is fed up with a stifling agenda in Washington that places the needs of foreign nationals in front of the needs of Americans. He wrote this book to help Americans know what we can do to force our government to regain control of our borders, ensure our national security, keep our culture, enforce our laws, protect American jobs, and keep all Americans from being overwhelmed by illegal foreign nationals with no allegiance to the USA. In addition to showing why amnesty is not the right medicine, Brian Kelly explains the best plan for America again to become a sovereign state.
The latest iteration of the plan describes in detail The Resident Visa Program and the Pay to Go! Program. When Kelly began writing immigration books, he was on book # 60. Today his total is 293 books. You are going to love Kelly's solutions and they will help whenever Congress and the new President is ready to implement. These books are designed by an American for Americans. Few books are a must-read, but all of Kelly's Immigration books will quickly appear at the top of America’s most read list.
Brian modified the lifetime guest plan in 2016 and made it more amenable to the Trump plan for America. It is included in the new book called The Immigration Fix, The Trump Way, which is still available from Amazon, and Kindle. Enjoy!