Cleaning Out the House of Congress
Ladies and gentlemen, house-cleaning begins at home. Nancy Pelosi will not take the fall for all of America. She will not come into her friend Matt Cartwright's territory to help his constituents (US) clean our political house, as she is the mastermind of why we are where we are.
I regret to say that Representative Cartwright is her friend much more than he is your friend.
If we are not willing to clean out our contribution to the major problems of an unresponsive, anti-Pennsylvania-directed Congress at home, there sure is no reason for the citizens in other states to "bail us out." We are in this jam because our Representative for ten years has forgotten "We the People." Every town in America has no choice but to expel this Congress so they cannot hurt us again. Regardless of whether our representative helped you or your family get a job, get a contract, or get a new playground for your community, every citizen of Pennsylvania is paying for it big time, including you and I.
What's good for California is not necessarily good for Pennsylvania. When we send all the incumbents from around the whole country packing, we have no choice but to include our own incumbent, home grown though he may be. The call of justice and fair play is to throw them all out unless you really have seen an effort to listen and respond well to the demands of the American People. Anybody who has written the Representative from Northeastern PA's 8th District knows too well that in return for your stamp, you would receive a stamp with a meaningless response that always added up to the proverbial deaf ear. Regular people stopped mattering to the incumbent long ago. and that is a shame. No more of that for NEPA! That's why I have chosen to run for office. Write BRIAN KELLY on your ballot on May 17, 2022.