Write in BRIAN KELLY for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022

Brian Kelly for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022 :

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Cap & Trade -- The National Energy Tax 

One of the worst pieces of legislation that actually passed by the house when controlled by Democrats in 2009, got hung up in the Senate as a few Democratic Senators along with all the Republicans could not in good conscience release this painful act on America.

The bill was known as "the CAP and TRADE bill."  This was really the "Obama Energy Tax Bill," and it was rushed through and passed by the Pelosi led House literally in the dark of night. Like many bills in 2009, It was unread by the masses in Congress, including Paul Kanjorski, who went along with his friend Nancy Pelosi rather than vote for Pennsylvanians. Matt Cartwrigth, Kanjo's successor in Congress who I plan to defeat soundly in 2016, believes 100% in Cap and Trade so you all can believe that he does not represent Pennsylvaniana at all.    

If this ugly bill ever comes back. it will mean that the cost of your natural gas, electricity, gasoline and taxes will QUADRUPLE shortly after it goes into effect.  Does your family have another $3,000 to spend on energy on top of the 30% price increase for electric power?  Is this legislation good for Northeastern PA?  Because it has major disincentives for coal, it may very well mean the end of the COAL industry in NEPA. So, why would Paul Kanjorski have sided with Nancy Pelosi over the citizens of Northeastern PA.  Can you figure it out? 

Global Warming

Global warming is a scientific hoax but a political reality. It is such a hoax that every time the zealots celebrate a regulation of some kind that supposedly helps their cause, along comes a snow blizzard on the day of celebration to "rain on their parade." That was getting old. So, the namers in the progressive ideology movement decided this could not stand. So, they renamed it to "climate change." They are right on this one. The climate changes from day to day and many times in-between. Though the earth is not warming, the climate does change on a daily basis. In fact, it is cooler in the morning on most days than it is in the afternoon. There is no reason to have a smaller drink or a drink with less sugar because the climate changes every day. 

Does it seem warmer to you?  If it doesn't it is because the earth has been cooling for a number of years now.  Nobody sees the real perils of what has been called "global warming" for years because they do not exist. Just in the last fifteen years as the earth began a cooling cycle, scientists who had bet their homes on "warming" were forced to change the name of this phenomenon to "climate change."  If that seems a little hoaxy to you, it is because it is.  

That is a big clue that this whole thing is a big hoax. The name change means that any fluctuation of the weather proves their bogus theory.  They think we are dumb. If it snows, rains or if we have a drought or if a mosquito dies of malaria, someone is there to blame it on climate change, a.k.a. global warming. Their investments in this farce mean there can be no other meaning. Their fortunes are tied up in perpetrating this lie.  

Many groups, including leading scientists as well as NASA have said repeatedly that the "global warming" data is incorrect. The recent East Anglia scandal with purposely altered data bases and destroyed data purportedly to hide the facts, proves the environmentalists are not being very truthful. On February 13, 2010, University of East Anglia global warming cultist Phil Jones (a.k.a. the man) conceded that there has been no statistically significant warming over the last 15 years. That makes it 21 in a row as of today.  Case closed. Hopefully Jones has an ample liquor supply to wash away that little embarrassment. 

Al Gore warmed up quite a bit as this may be the end of his empire building.  The former VP went from being almost broke when he left the White House in 2000 to being a hundred millionaire in less than 10 years. Mr. Gore has his sights on being a billionaire soon and if it would only warm up again, he'd have a far better chance. 

Gore makes money in many ways off the backs of the global warming community. They love him and his propaganda, and they literally throw money his way.  He also pushes carbon credits from CAP and Trade. The more people buy his bull and his many Carbon Credits, the more money he makes.  And, to do his best for the Jobs picture back in the USA, as a good American, Mr. Gore accepted a $529 million grant in 2009 from good ole Barack O and company to make tiny sports cars that are supposedly environmentally friendly.  Why do we need sports cars? Moreover, Gore has decided to manufacture the cars in Finland. No wonder the stimulus never helped American manufacturing.  

Maybe I don't  have that right.  Maybe it was not Finland. It was FLorida, right... Had to be? The US gave Gore a grant for $529 million. That's right. The state began with an "F." Oh, it was not Florida. It really was Finland. And you know what, Finland is not a state at all.  It is a country in Europe.  I kid you not. Al Gore got $529 billion of our money to help the economy of Finland. That really is an inconvenient truth. Don't you think? 

For the record, I am 100% against the Energy Tax called (also called Cap and trade). I am against it because it will not solve a problem because there is no problem. The identified problem is a trick by Al Gore.  It is also a very regressive tax and it is a huge tax  This tax will cost thousands a year for families and it will make it hard to stay warm in the winter.  

Because nobody suggests that China or India reduce their emissions, it will cost more to produce goods in our country and more companies will take jobs offshore. That's right, while we are looking for ways to create jobs, Matt Cartwright and Bob Casey are pleased to ship jobs overseas and whack us with a big energy tax.  What are they thinking?  

China and India again will benefit from US anti-business laws. By the way, Al Gore, Matt Cartwright, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Bob Casey Jr, and just about every Democrat in the House and the US Senate are all for Cap and Trade. So, if you want to be spared the burden of this plan that cannot work, vote for any Democrat anytime. If you want it to end, vote for Brian Kelly, a JFK Democrat for Congress in 2016. Help Kelly afford the campaign by buying one or several of his patriotic books at www.bookhawkers.com