May 16, 2022
Brian Kelly announces his endorsement for Lou Barlettta for Governor of the Keystone State. It is about time the state of Pennsylvania was able to put a great leader from the Northeast in a strategic office to help bring the state back to its former prominence. For the last eight years our state and specifically our area had the worst governor, the worst attorney general, and the worst congressman in the nation. We can change all that on May 17th and in the general election.
My plan as a candidate is to unseat a ten year millionaire Congressman who has not been seen in Pennsylvania since his first cousin, the groundhog made his last appearance in February and brought us six more weeks of winter. Democrats can vote for Brian Kelly and stop the ten year reign of ineffective representation.
Tom Wolfe's right hand man Josh Shapiro is running for Governor against Lou Barletta hoping the people have no memory on his poor service. Thank God Tom Wolf, the worst governor ever in PA history cannot run by statute. There is a packed field running against Mr. Barletta but none come with his fine leadership capabilities and character. There are none better.
One thing for sure is all of the Democrats running on the Wolf retro ticket are part of the Same-ole Same-ole party that brought us the worst economy ever, mandates galore, and the worst governor's office in history. They promise to bring PA more of the same misery right out from Tom Wolfe's prescription book. Lou Barletta is our best bet to stop this nonsense and I am pleased to endorse him for Governor.
What am I talking about.? You probably remember Wolfe had two terms in office, showcasing his preference to act unilaterally and his consistent unwillingness to work with the state legislature. He vetoed more bills that any other governor in history. He used unprecedented power in the COVID-19 emergency, including ignoring election law. Wolf was a dictator who sidestepped the legislative process. Due to his fiscal track record and state lockdown policies, he is rated as one of the worst governors ever in the United States. Voting in Wolfe's proxies will guarantee an encore performance. Remember folks the show was not any good.
The first time I endorsed Lou Barletta was in 2010 when the two of us ran against Paul Kanjorski for Congress. Lou won the Republican nomination and Kanjorski edged out two other Democrat candidates in a three way primary election. I was one of them, Lou asked me back then if I would help him by chairing a Democrats for Barletta Committee and we helped make Lou a first term Congressman in 2010. He served us well.
I was at his inaugural event on January 3, 2011 in Washington DC. It was a great celebration and Lou always served Northeastern PA as a great leader and he is ready to represent us and the rest of the state as a great governor. I ask you to vote for Lou Barletta as he is the best for Northeastern PA and the state. Trump is wrong on Doug Mastriano. Trump may not be wrong often but he is 100% wrong on Doug Mastriano
Write in BRIAN KELLY for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022
Brian Kelly for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022 :
Kelly endorses Barletta for Governor of PA
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