Write in BRIAN KELLY for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022
Brian Kelly for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022 :
Above: Pat & Marty Election 2010 / Below: Biden/Cartwright--Scroll down lots more to C
please donate-- help pay costs of running. Send a check to Brian Kelly for Congress Box 621 Wilkes-Barre PA 18701
Matt Cartwright & Joe Biden "Accomplishments"
Incompetent governance;; Higher Taxes;; Costly regulations;; Shut down the Keystone Pipeline;; Canceled oil & gas exploration in the Artic;; Opened Russian Pipeline;; Destroyed energy independence;; Begged OPEC for more drilling;; Nobody can afford gasoline;; Killed many American jobs;; Bankrupted America with give-aways;; Set inflation record for Americans;; American surrender in Afghanistan;; Botched Afghan withdrawal;; OK’s Americans left behind;; Stranded Americans in Afghanistan;; Gave in to Iran on nuclear bombs;; Groveled, kneeled and genuflected to China;; Took China cash for Big Guy from Hunter;; Promised unity but divided the nation;; Promotes Critical (Criminal) Race Theory;; Against the Constitution;; Against the 2nd Amendment;; For packing the Supreme Court with Democrats;; For creating two new Democrat States;; Puerto Rico & Washington DC States;; Rolled back Trump’s working immigration policies;; No end in sight to Biden’s invited border surge;; No Biden initiative to solve border crisis;; Open borders;; Surrender at the southern border;; Drug dealers, human traffickers, violent criminals permitted;; Botched 2021 COVID response;; More COVID-19 deaths under Biden;; Non-citizens admitted without COVID-19 tests;; Unconstitutional vaccine mandates;; Against effective remain in Mexico policy;; Americans unable to find one positive thing Biden has done;; Pompous Ass Biden bullies and imposes his failures on America;; Most Americans cannot take any more of Biden;; Let’s Go Brandon!—vulgar or simply true?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Pat & Brian Kelly Voting at Kistler School in 2010 Election. Keep Scrolling
please donate to help pay the costs of running. Send a check to Brian Kelly for Congress PO Box 621 Wilkes-Barre PA 18701
WILK Interviews with Frank Andrews
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- Category: Uncategorised
Before you move on to the on-air text of interviews with Frank Andrews, here is one they recorded. Click on it. it is about ten minutes. Thank you. I will try to get this interview up but I am not sure how right now. In the meantime, feel free to read the interviews latest first
Brian Kelly with Frank Andrews.mp3 click on link above to hear the first interview which took place in March
May 5 Interview with Frank Andrews
Thanks Frank. God bless you and your family. I am Brian Kelly. 74 years of age. I am a lifetime registered Democrat from Wilkes-Barre PA. I am running for Congress in PA District #8. It is the seat now held by Matt Cartwright. I want the people to know that I am your BEST chance to eliminate Cartwright on May 17.
Vote for the 2022 District 8 Congressional Underdog!
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- Category: Uncategorised
Click here to see the campaign announcement video
Despite the candidate expecting no press coverage whatsoever for his campaign for Congress v Matt Cartwright in District 8, Brian Kelly asks you to write the papers to tell them to be fair to all candidates. Brian Kelly will be pleased in January to announce his candidacy for the US Congress.
With your help, the two WB newspapers will have no choice but to give Brian Kelly, the Congressional Candidate, a loud voice in the media outlets that most-often favor politicians. Candidate Brian Kelly will most appreciates an overture of fairness by the press. He asks all citizens with a voice to let the VOICE and the LEADER know they too can be pleased to help send a biased politician back home.
A sincere thank you and big CHEERS from a declared write-in candidate goes to the Citizens Voice and its management and to the Times Leader in Wilkes-Barre and its management for acting positively and fairly as the Fourth Estate as envisioned by the US Founders in the Constitution. JEERS to any media outlets in NEPA-- Press, Radio, and TV, for not doing their jobs. Kelly knows he needs media support to help get District 8 back on track after too many years of Nancy Pelosi and corrupt Democrat leaders calling the shots for Northeastern PA.
Read more: Vote for the 2022 District 8 Congressional Underdog!
Write-in Ballot Signature Rules
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- Category: Uncategorised
Write in BRIAN KELLY for the May 17, 2022 Democrat Primary
Thank you
Read the rules for casting a write-in ballot below:
Brian Kelly has a bunch of great books you will love
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- Category: Uncategorised
I admit to writing about thirty books about Trump. My opinion is the Democrats destroyed him with fake scandals.
Read more: Brian Kelly has a bunch of great books you will love
Contact Information & A Little More!
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- Category: Uncategorised
Got a question? Feel free to email the campaign:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send a note and a small check to Brian Kelly for Congress; PO Box 621; Wilkes-Barre PA 18701.
As you know quite often email addresses that are open such as ours are the victims of SPAMMERS who swell the email box, making it difficult to find legitimate questions. As long as we are able to work with this valuable source of contact, we will keep this line of communication open.
Americans Need Not Apply!
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- Category: Books By Brian Kelly
Americans Need Not Apply!
Irish Need not Apply! Syrians need not apply! Italians need not apply! Spanish need not apply! Polish need not apply! How many of our parents went through tough times in the USA finding bigotry instead of work when they sought employment?
Many Brian Kelly Books are available at Amazon
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- Category: Books By Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly's 293 Books Available at Amazon
These books help Brian Kelly Survive!
If you would like to see other articles on a number of patriotic topics, feel free to visit www.brianwkelly.com. Brian's 2022 plan is to serve in Congress in the House and follow it up with at least one more term but not two more.
Great Book - Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! - And It's Free!
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- Category: Book-Jobs! Jobs!Jobs!
Hopefully you will elect me your next Congressman and we will not have to fear the lack of jobs anymore. I know how to bring Jobs back to Northeastern PA and the USA at large. I am a regular citizen and not one of the elite. Why not give me the opportunity to help all the people -- US!
Should Government Be Left to the Politicians?
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- Category: Platform Points
This had been a press release.
Question: Who the heck do you think you are coming out of retirement, never having been in government or politics, and after challenging one of the longest serving representatives in NEPA, Paul Kanjorski, and losing in the 2010 primary to the incumbent, you now have the nerve to take on Matt Cartwright, one of Scranton's finest lawyers once from the firm of Munley, Munley & Cartwright? Shouldn't an opportunist like you just stay retired?
Why Should I Vote for You?
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- Category: Platform Points
Question: I have read a lot of the stuff on your site and, other than that you don't seem to be a normal Democrat, and I am not so sure about that, why should I vote for you?
Answer: Thanks for the question. I wrote many of the things on this site myself so I am not sure if you really read them all. I am not sure that I can convince anybody that I am worthy of their vote.
Press Release : Kelly Says Return Government To The People
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- Category: Press Releases
Says It Is Time To Return The Government To The People!
Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Read more: Press Release : Kelly Says Return Government To The People
About Brian Kelly
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- Category: About the candidate
About Brian Kelly
Brian Kelly is married to the former Patricia Piotroski and the couple resides in Northeastern Pennsylvania as they have all their married life of forty years. They are the proud parents of three wonderful adult children, Brian, Michael, and Katie.
Are you a DINO 2022 Update?
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- Category: About the candidate
Question: Mr. Kelly, Are You a Democrat in Name Only (DINO)?
That is a great question. Thank you! I may not know the answer to that question but I will tell you how I feel. A long time ago, when I was a kid, I believed the Democrat Party was the Party of the people.
Why are you running for Congress?
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- Category: About the candidate
Please Write in BRIAN KELLY for Congress in PA District 8
Question: Why are you running for Congress?
Answer: That is a very good question? As a husband and father, my family was very important in this decision. in 2008, I considered running and my family and I discussed it at length and I decided not to run.
Brian Kelly Background, Plans, & Ideations
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- Category: About the candidate
Brian Kelly's Summary Background:
73 years old In January 2022 will be 74
Married, Three Children, none married yet!
E. L. Meyers High, W-B, PA, with honors
B. S. from King's College cum laude
M. B. A. from Wilkes University magna cum laude
23 years with IBM Corporation
30 Year Ongoing High Tech Consultancy
Business and Information Technology Consultant
5 years Campus Technology Manager -- Misericordia University
7 years Professor, Marywood University
Assistant Professor, Business Information technology
Self employed today -- limited technology engagements
Full-time Author:
293 books, (75 sports books, Political books, Patriotic books, human interest, childrens' books
Hundreds of magazine articles
Conservative Action Alerts
Midrange Computing
29th Street press
Still write occasionally for IT Jungle
Beliefs etc.
Brian Kelly believes in the effort to restore reverence for God and respect for the unalienable rights to life and liberty in America.
Brian Kelly believes and understands the notion of self-government of, by, and for the people � as well as our moral, physical, and economic sovereignty. Kelly has written four books in this regard, Taxation Without Representation; Can the U.S. Avoid Another Boston Tea Party?; Obama's Seven Deadly Sins - Will Americans Forgive or Have Some Tea; and Healthcare Accountability. Included in each of the first three books is a full copy of the Constitution of the United States, something that we all should keep our hands on in these trying times. Kelly has another book titled: Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! Altogether he has written 293 books.
Brian Kelly Is an advocate of a complete overhaul of our taxing system and the abolishment of the 16th Amendment, thereby eliminating the tax code and the IRS. The Fair Tax has many advantages over the current income tax system. The Fair tax seems to have the most advantages of all other options, but even the Flat tax is far better than our current income tax system
Brian Kelly is an advocate of strong border security
Brian Kelly is against socialism, progressivism, Marxism, & Communism.
Brian Kelly respects the Constitution and is against racism including Critical Race Theory
Brian Kelly is a former Military Policemen (6yrs ER & NG) and believes that Police protection is vital for America.
Brian Kelly is ready to declare our nation's reliance on God as fundamental.
Brian Kelly will work to protect our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and private property.
Brian Kelly will help restore and protect our constitutional republican form of government.
Brian Kelly will work to protect the institution of marriage and the traditional family.
Brian Kelly will work to protect our national sovereignty, military strength, and border security.
Brian Kelly is an advocate for energy independence and for the Keystone Pipeline
Brian Kelly is for fair and honest elections
Brian Kelly has unique solutions for immigration, Student Loans, & Social Security COLA Wrote multiple books about these topics
Immigration -- Pay to Go & Resident Visa Plan
Student Loans-- Revise system so defaults do not occur again and forgive all existing loans.
Social Security -- Seniors have been ripped off with a CPI that is intentionally fake -- "Seniors Need some reparations."
Brian Kelly is for No COVID mandates -- Truth is supreme -- Wrote several COVID books
Brian Kelly is against cancel culture and censoring free speech Wrote a book about it
Brian Kelly Against Big Tech abuse of power -- wrote a book about it
Brian Kelly will advocate for lower, fair taxes
Brian Kelly will vote to kill stifling EPA and other silly regulations
Brian Kelly believes in hard work. Believes in helping helpless people but does not believe in making people helpless
See web site -- briankellyforcongress for more.
Being Unknown!
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- Category: About the candidate
It's Tough Being Unknown!
It is not such a good thing when "everybody knows somebody sometime" and you are not on the list. When you are the new guy, sometimes the press forgets.
How Brian Kelly Plans to Win!
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- Category: About the candidate
How Brian Kelly Will Win the 2016 Congressional Election!
The press will be asking Brian Kelly to comment on how he plans to win the primary election against a well financed opponent such as Matt Cartwright. Kelly recognizes the road is uphill but he has confidence that the people are looking for honest government and a fresh start.
Site is Built! Thank You for Your Patience.
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- Category: About the candidate
Hello Fellow District 8 Constituents
Thank you for being here.
I am running for Congress for the 8th District seat in the State of Pennsylvania.
This site is continually being perfected so that it will be more meaningful to you as time passes.
Brian Kelly for Congress
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- Category: About the candidate
Thank You for Visiting, Please Come Back!
Fellow Citizens of Northeastern Pennsylvania, I would like to present myself as a Candidate to be your Congressman for the 8th District of Pennsylvania. As you know, this seat is currently held by Representative Matt Cartwright of Scranton, Pennsylvania. I will be running as a write-in candidate, a Democrat against Matt Cartwright in the Primary Election on May 17, 2022.
Americans are in Revolt. Countervailing power is the only solution!
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- Category: Conservative
Americans are in Revolt. Countervailing power is the only solution!
Those with power sometimes do not know how powerful they are while those 'without power know very well how weak they are. The have's always have and the have-nots, have not ever--but they do their best to survive. So it has been from the beginning of time as the major law of the universe dictates: "survival of the fittest."
Read more: Americans are in Revolt. Countervailing power is the only solution!
A JFK Democrat is a conservative
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- Category: Conservative
Please Write in BRIAN KELLY in the PA Democrat Primary May 17, 2022
Being A JFK Democrat
You may wonder why I am a JFK Democrat instead of a conservative Republican? The fact is that neither party is perfect for me. I am for business but not for unbridled corporate power. I am for Unions but not for thug tactics in the workplace and I am not for forced Unionism.
Throw the Bums Out!
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- Category: Saving America
Throw The Bums Out!
Hello America!
The global recommendation is to throw all the bums out.
In every district and every state in America, we cannot permit our own legislator to go back to Washington -- especially if they are part of the regressive lunatic left -- i.e. Democrat. Do not think that your representative is the exception just because he or she brings the pork back to town.
George Says It Ain't Fair!
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- Category: Unfair Taxation
It Ain't Fair!
Right after I wrote my essay on the American Tax System. my e-mailbox was graced with this note from George.
Who is George?
The Fair Tax -- An Essential Element for Jobs!
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- Category: The Fair Tax
The Fair Tax -- An Essential Element for Jobs!
"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." Way back in February, 1913, the 16th Amendment was ratified by the states and thus it became a part of the Constitution.
Brian Kelly is Pro-Mom and Pro-Baby!
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- Category: Abortion
Brian Kelly is Pro-Mom and Pro-Baby!
Please write him in! BRIAN KELLY
Contact: Brian Kelly for US Congress
Date: May 17, 2022
****** PRESS RELEASE ******
The Second Amendment--The Right to Bear Arms?
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- Category: 2nd Amendment
The Second Amendment--The Right to Bear Arms?
The last stanza of Cheyenne, a western hero is:
"Move along, Cheyenne --- Next pasture's always so green. Driftin' on, Cheyenne don't forget the things you have seen, And when you settle down where will it be? Cheyenne! Cheyenne!"
From Hugh O'Brian in Wyatt Earp:
Cap & Trade -- National Energy Tax
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- Category: Energy
Cap & Trade -- The National Energy Tax
One of the worst pieces of legislation that actually passed by the house when controlled by Democrats in 2009, got hung up in the Senate as a few Democratic Senators along with all the Republicans could not in good conscience release this painful act on America.
Brian Kelly's Plan Brings 60,000,000 Illegals Out Of the Shadows!
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- Category: Illegal Immigration
By Brian Kelly
With Brian Kelly's plans for illegal immigration "guests," the 60 million interlopers in America have a better shot at life than in their home countries? So do American citizens who today are the big losers as the interlopers work for peanuts.
Read more: Brian Kelly's Plan Brings 60,000,000 Illegals Out Of the Shadows!
The Government Is a Liar
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- Category: Corruption
Politicians Are Liars
When I complain about this, please know that it is not necessarily the American people who are engaged in the process of government that are the issue, it is the leadership of the Congress and President Biden and it includes the heavily entrenched high level bureaucrats.
Initiation, Referendum, & Recall
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- Category: Good Government
Initiative, Referendum, and Recall
Initiative, Referendum, and Recall are fundamental precepts of a direct democracy. Ours of course is a representative democracy with a Constitution as a defining document just in case the lawmakers in all branches ever were to go astray -- all at the same time.
Constitution of the United States
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- Category: Good Government
The Constitution of the United States of America
When I penned the goundbreaking book, Taxation Without Representation in 2008, I had read many of the founding documents of the United States. One of the first things that I did in preparation for the book was print a copy of the Constitution on 81/2 X 11 paper and take it with me on my first cruise.
Obamacare Thoughts by Ron Paul
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- Category: Obamacare -- Bad for America
Healthcare should be determined by the marketplace
Instead of further removing healthcare from the market, in which doctors and patients and other providers work together to help patients, we should return to that true free market in healthcare.
Healthcare Accountability
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- Category: Obamacare -- Bad for America
Healthcare Accountability
Healthcare is a right! How can it not be? Why should some have healthcare and others not have healthcare? Are these issues not at the center of the debate about who gets the bounty produced by the workers in America?
Healthcare Rationing?
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- Category: Obamacare -- Bad for America
HealthCare Redistribution: Rationing By Any Other Name Would Be Rationing!
Finally, a real explanation of the new form of health care rationing coming in the Obamacare Bill that passed in 2010. If you find your tongue hitting your cheek on this don't worry, it is not a medical emergency.
US Education--far from good marks!
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- Category: Education
U.S. Education -- Much Room for Improvement!
Eliminating federal involvement in K–12 education is one of my top domestic priorities for education. The Constitution offers no provision for federal meddling in education. Ron Paul says:
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