Note: When you would like to reelect your own representative or Senator. If they agree to sign the 76 regrets pledge below, then maybe they deserve another chance.
To: The People -- the Citizens of the United States of America.
From: Representative name or Senator name
Subject: Apology for being part of the last Congress
This is not from me (BK) but hopefully it will be from your current representative if he or she can be trusted.
This pledge must be given by your representative to you with a promise that he or she means what they are promsing as written below. Otherwise, they must be thrown out with all the other bums
Dear People of the United States... especially my constituents
I was part of the last Congress of the United States, serving either as a Senator or as a member of the House of Representatives. It is election time again and I am again running for office. I would like to represent the people of my district as last term in the Congress of the United States. So you beleive I am worthy to serve, I would like you to know that I subscribe to the 76 Regrets. I either did no worong or regret that I did worng. If you ask me to fill this out I will and I will say I regret for things that I did that I regret and I will say N/A for things that I did not do nor do I believe in.
I know that there is a grassroots movement underway across the United States to "throw the bums" out. I think that in many ways the American people have the right to do just that as this past Congress has moved the country to the verge of socialism, progressivism, and perhaps even communism. I regret my part in this past Congress. In retrospect, I agree it was as bad as any throughout history, of which I am aware. I ask your consideration in this election because I fought against this Congress and still am fighting. I am honored to take the pledge.
I know it would be easy to say that I am not one of the villains and ask you to retain me without giving you supportive evidence. Well, it really isn't so easy because in many ways I am ashamed of having even been a part of this past Congress. Yet, I will say it. I am not one of those villains. I have been on the side of the American people all the way. When you look at my record, you will see that I am with you. I even like to drink TEA and admire the work this group has done. And, so, when you go to the polls in your own districts and states, I would like you to think of me as someone who is for you as I have been and will continue to be.
I am proud to say that I scored a very high grade on the Freedom '76 Regrets Questionnaire that you are about to examine. Like you, I am hoping to have a lot of replacement players join me in the 115th Congress. I know that this is how you feel and I can't blame you. I still want to serve, I would ask that you consider a few veterans like me, who can help the youngsters get more good things done for America in the next several years than they otherwise would be able to do. I should have complained louder. The change that removing most of my colleagues will accomplish is good. Additionally, it is necessary to establish a cold reality in order to set our nation back on course. And, so I pledge to do better this time...
Please accept either my 76 regrets or my N/A on the 76 items below . I will serve you all well. I promise. I have also commented on the other regrets after the heavy 76 Regrets.
Humbly Yours,
Name of Representative or Senator
The Freedom '76 Regrets from the 114th Congress and the Senate Follow:
1. I regret that Congress forgot this nation was America, land of the free. No more of that!
2. I regret that this Congress looked like part of the "Blame America First" crowd. I love America and will do all I can if reelected to stand up for America with no apologies.
3. I regret that the Congress has placed our Judeo Christian principles far back on the burner. This country was founded under Christian beliefs, and these are the most tolerant of all. All religions may prosper in the US. Though love conquers all but we must also be strong.
4. I regret that this Congress enacted the bailouts, deficit builders, energy tax, Obamacare and other measures that have contributed to this major recession.
5. I regret that this Congress supported Union card check which I now realize provides a fundamental imbalance in the corporation / union standoff. Secret ballots must rule the day in all elections or intimidation is the rule of the day.
6. I regret that I permitted corporations to gain too much power. Corporate recovery preceded the people's recovery. I am for the people, and when the people conflict with the corporations, you can bet that I am for the people.
7. I regret that the huge bills this Congress authored were filled with freedom-depriving controls on the behavior of freedom-loving Americans.
8. I regret that this Congress spent 15 months of precious time in Obama's early presidency on Obamacare, a jobs destroyer, while our first priority should have been Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!
9. I regret that this Congress permitted to government to take control of healthcare, and the healthcare industry.
10. I regret Obamacare and its stifling effect on the economy. I will work to create a 50 page Billor smaller that accomplishes the good but reduces government control.
11. I regret that this Congress did not pass TORT Reform.
12. I regret that that this Congress did not enable insurance companies to sell across state lines. This can save billions of dollars.
13. I regret that the 111th Congress added so many regulations to important legislation that a normal human being would get sick looking at them. 2700 pages cannot be read by normal human beings.
14. I regret that the ability of Medicare to handle its obligations was reduced by more than $528 billion because of Obamacare.
15. Obamacare and its Medicare provisions is about to place all Americans, young and old, but especially Seniors, on a health rationing program that minimizes the doctor / patient relationship.
16. I regret that Congress passed a Healthcare bill dangerous for the unborn. I will work to fix this.
Fiscal Responsibility
17. I regret that the Congress ignored fiscal responsibility and brought the US to the point of bankruptcy.
18. I regret that this Congress by its actions and / or inactions, contributed to larger and larger deficits and a staggering debt to be paid for by US grandchildren.
19. I regret this Congress permitted govt. takeovers of GM and Chrysler.
20. I do not regret the fact that without a bailout, Ford has thrived.
22. I regret Congress funding bailouts for companies that should have failed. No company is too big to fail.
23. I regret that Congress continually supported Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Community Reinvestment Act, even now.
24. I regret that I did not force Fannie and Freddie out of business and I did not help to repeal the Community Reinvestment Act.
25. I regret that I did not force that the provisions of the Glass-Steagall Act, preventing wild activities by financial institutions be reinstated.
26. I regret that I did not work to repeal The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which allowed commercial banks, investment banks, securities firms, and insurance companies to consolidate.
27. I regret that this Congress put a big smile on the faces of the Communist Chinese, more so than Americans.
28. I regret that Congress did not read the TARP bill well enough and I am sorry that I permitted it to be used for things not covered in the thirteen original purposes.
29. I regret that Congress voted for continuation of TARP and that I permitted the Congress to lose control of the implementation of the law.
30. I regret that I did not pay enough attention to assure that Congress could not unconstitutionally delegate its powers to the Treasury Secretary.
31. I regret that this Congress has spent taxpayer money like drunken sailors and they have placed excessive burdens on the backs of our grandchildren.
32. I regret that this Congress clearly discouraged the private sector from expanding and creating more jobs.
33. I regret that Congress did not take decisive action regarding our current immigration problems such as illegal foreign nationals taking American jobs.
34. I regret that Congress has not addressed the corporate offshoring of American jobs.
35. I regret that Congress has not addresses the influx of legal foreign nationals via our liberal Visa laws, such as H-1B. Such Visa holders take American jobs.
Foreign Policy
36. I regret the Congressional role in our national policy has shown weakness and not resolve; timidity and not strength.
37. I regret that the Congress has not been consistent to a foreign policy. The US should stand by our friends, oppose our foes and sometimes oppose our friend's foes.
38. I regret that Congress did not endorse a strong stance on radical jihadism rather than permitting the administration to apologize for being American.
39. I regret that Congress did not promote American values instead of permitting the President to highlight minute flaws.
40. I regret that Congress has permitted the US to apologize to our enemies.
41. I regret Congress's backed the ousted president of Humduras rather than the people of Honduras after they ousted a tyrant as their President.
42. I regret that Congress did not publicly disagree with the US President when he insisted the Hondurans restore this tyrant back in office.
43. I regret that the Congress did not join the voices of dissent in Iran as they demonstrated about their country's corrupt elections.
44. I regret that the Congress did not chastise President Obama when he backed Ahmadinejad rather than the Iranian people during their populist revolt. I regret I did not speak louder against the Iran Treaty!
45. I regret that the Congress permitted the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu to leave America embarrassed nad to continue to feel unimportant to the US.
46. I regret that Congress did not chastise the President for delivering a pro-Hamas,, anti-Israeli address at the UN. We treat enemies better than friends.
47. I regret that Congress permitted the President to renege on missile defense for Poland / Czech Republic aster these governments took huge risk for US.
48. I regret that we permitted the president to go uncriticized for getting nothing at all from the Russians for the President's betrayal of the Polish and Ukrainian people.
49. I regret that Congress continues to permit America to look weak with regard to the nuclear situations in Iran and North Korea.
50. I regret that the Congress did not work with Columbia so this ally could help us in our mental war against Venezuela and Hugo Chavez and successors.
51. I regret that the Congress agrees to cut the technology budget that keeps us ahead of our enemies and prevents most attacks on our soil.
52. I regret that Congress has not insisted that all wars are fought to win wherever and whenever we choose to fight.
53. I regret that Congress permitted the President to cancel the space program, thus making US dependent on Russia and China for rocket support.
54. I regret that Congress permitted the President to reduce our nuclear stockpile while rogue states are building nuclear weapons. "trust but verify?"
55. I regret that Congress did not decry the punishment of American heroes, such as the Navy Seals, and the CIA for doing their jobs to protect Americans.
56. I regret that the Congress permits political correctness rather than a winning philosophy to guide the military. (Shoe bomber, Fort Hood, Underwear Bomber, Manahattan bomber, etc.)
57. I regret thjat I did not insist that the US be hell-bent on killing our enemies.while at war.
58. I regret that the Congress permitted the lies about the Consumer Price Index (CPI) used to determine COLA for Seniors. I now know that it was rigged so Seniors received no increase in benefits, though one was really needed.
59. I regret that the Congress systematically lies to the people so that the Congress can pass agenda items without Senior Citizens full scrutiny.
60. I regret that this Congress mocked the greatest grassroots movement in American History since the Revolution itself--conservatism and the principles espoused by the Tea Party.
61, I regret that I did not ID the TEA movement as a helpful force that transcends political parties. I now see that the silent majority are no longer silent.
62. I regret that the House (Congress) once voted for Cap and Trade (Energy Tax). Its junk science adds thousands of dollars per year of new taxes on all Americans.
63. I regret that the Congress has not taken major steps towards real energy independence. Drill here, drill now, nuke plants, wind, solar -- everything.
64. I regret that the Congress has left US in a position in which we are still dependent on foreign oil. Yes, we must be careful offshore drilling and we must have a no mistakes permitted policy to protect the environment -- vis a vis the gulf catastrophe, and the pipeline from Canada, and opening US lands for exploration.
65. I regret Congress was too concerned about Harry Reid's, Nancy Pelosi's, and Barack Obama's agenda than it was the will of the American People.
66. I regret that Congress permits the "free press to be lapdogs for the administration, thereby not bringing the people the truth.
67. I regret that Congress permitted the Department of Education to indoctrinate our students in K to 12.
68. I regret that Congress did not take action to reign in the forces that are making our children non competitive in the global markets.
69. I regret that Congress permitted without open objection media programming that indoctrinates children such as that on Nickelodeon's Nick News for kids.
70. I regret that Congress permitted the Executive Branch to engage in love-fest style indoctrination tactics against our youth using the Department of Education.
71. I regret that Congress has done nothing to seriously improve education in the US and that Congress voted the government control of higher Education.
72. I regret that Congress has not worked harder to minimize the negative impact of poor teachers being able to teach.
73. I regret that Congress did not do more to help the quality of US education so that students all do not get A's just to make them all feel good.
74. I regret that the past equalization of unequal students created lowest common denominator education that contributes to the US becoming a weak nation.
75. I regret that Congress did not put forth that Education is critically important to the survival of the country as a Republic.
76. I regret that Congress has not permitted excellence to reign in schools nor has it promoted excellence in teachers or administrative staff.
Post 76 Final Regrets (though surely there are more)
77. I regret the moral of the new US story in that we have always been a moral and religious people and Congress permitted Barack Obama's radical agenda to affect US negatively. I do regret that I was not more active in opposing his agenda but I promise to be a major ally of the people in the future.
78, I regret the Education component of Obamacare in that any school that takes a dime of federal dollars is now subject to federal rules and regulations. Bye Bye America. This is tantamount to a sneaky takeover of the college education system. This is wrong, if you bring me back, I will fight to turn this around and all of the nasty things above which I swear I regret. The objective is to have less, not more government.
79 I regret that I did not quote John Adams often enough:
"We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions, unbridled by morality and true religion. Our constitution is made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." John Adams, to the Officers of the First Brigade, Third Division, Massachusetts Militia, October 11, 1798.
end of regrets for now. I'll be back!
Post Regrets P.S.
These are serious times and serious men and women must pledge to not behave as the 111th Congress and the Senators that joined them. The default call, if you do not accept the 76 regrets from your Representative or Senator is to feel free to reject their regrets and go ahead and replace your representative with somebody new. The country will gain from your honesty and your commitment to America.
Please do not, however, reelect anybody who has not signed up for 76 Regrets as they have proven to be even more than Dirty Rotten Scoundrels ought o be permitted to be. Throws those bums all out!
The best!