Write in BRIAN KELLY for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022

Brian Kelly for Congress PA District #8 Primary in 2022 :

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Above: Pat & Marty Election 2010 / Below: Biden/Cartwright--Scroll down lots more to C

please donate-- help pay costs of running.  Send a check to Brian Kelly for Congress Box 621 Wilkes-Barre PA 18701

Matt Cartwright & Joe Biden "Accomplishments"

Incompetent governance;; Higher Taxes;; Costly regulations;; Shut down the Keystone Pipeline;;  Canceled oil & gas exploration in the Artic;; Opened Russian Pipeline;; Destroyed energy independence;; Begged OPEC for more drilling;; Nobody can afford gasoline;; Killed many American jobs;; Bankrupted America with give-aways;; Set inflation record for Americans;; American surrender in Afghanistan;; Botched Afghan withdrawal;; OK’s Americans left behind;; Stranded Americans in Afghanistan;; Gave in to Iran on nuclear bombs;; Groveled, kneeled and genuflected to China;; Took China cash for Big Guy from Hunter;; Promised unity but divided the nation;; Promotes Critical (Criminal) Race Theory;; Against the Constitution;; Against the 2nd Amendment;; For packing the Supreme Court with Democrats;; For creating two new Democrat States;; Puerto Rico & Washington DC States;; Rolled back Trump’s working immigration policies;; No end in sight to Biden’s invited border surge;; No Biden initiative to solve border crisis;; Open borders;;  Surrender at the southern border;; Drug dealers, human traffickers, violent criminals permitted;; Botched 2021 COVID response;; More COVID-19 deaths under Biden;; Non-citizens admitted without COVID-19 tests;; Unconstitutional vaccine mandates;; Against effective remain in Mexico policy;;  Americans unable to find one positive thing Biden has done;; Pompous Ass Biden bullies and imposes his failures on America;; Most Americans cannot take any more of Biden;;  Let’s Go Brandon!—vulgar or simply true?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Pat & Brian Kelly Voting at Kistler School in 2010 Election. Keep Scrolling

please donate to help pay the costs of running.  Send a check to Brian Kelly for Congress PO Box 621 Wilkes-Barre PA 18701

Cap and Trade -- A Hoax on Americans

Global warming is something only dumb scientists seem to like. If you're smart, you already know it is bullsh-tt!

A brief political essay by

Brian Kelly

Here we are in early 2016 projecting what may happen if what was supposed to heppen on June 26, 2009, a bit before Congress  took its summer break seven years ago, actually was able to become the law of the land. Congress, run by the D Party, who would prefer Vladimir Putin or Leonid Brezhnev were president of the US, snuck through the infamous Carbon Cap and Trade bill. 

Though this bill is not named in such a way as to appear to affect anybody in a bad way, it really does.  It affects you and I. It would have brought the economy down if passed. Yet, miraculously, it did not.  Many who have analyzed the bill see this potentially as the largest tax increase ever to befall the American people. It is better named "The Energy Tax Bill" Though the Democratic Party (an I am embarrassed being a D when they put forth dumb things like this) quieted down on this, you can bet it will be back with the next and the next congress. It will kill America if we are not already dead by then.

Scientists suggest that if all of the costs of this bill are collected and all of the benefits are received, in one hundred years, the impact on the earth would be to slow down climate change by a mere 6 hours, if that. Trillions of dollars for 6 hours of relief is not a good deal. Meanwhile China's smokestacks are ablaze. They are more interested in being the world's most industrialized nation--a position once held by the US when we had good leadership, and when the American government was working for Americans. 

The House, including our own Paul Kanjorski, before Matt Cartwright took office, somehow had extreme anxiety to rush this bad bill to passage. Matt Cartwright would have been for the bill as he espouses Cap and Trade as a valid solution. It had taken from May 20, 2009, first in the Energy and Commerce Committee and later in the full House, and by June 26, House leader Pelosi felt ready to ram it through.  

Once they started debate, the essence of what the bill contained was right on the table for all to see. None of it was good for the people or for business but it was good for special interests.  It was good for Al Gore and it was good for other countries, especially China.  For Al Gore, who already had made over $100 million on the green movement, this bill offered further income enhancement opportunities. Gore is expected to become the first green billionaire before this is all over. Considering he left the White house with a mere $2 million in the bank, green must be his favorite color.

They say that a prophet should not make a profit.  The inconvenient truth about Al Gore, the prophet of global warming is that taking a side in the debate has helped him amass a fortune and if his side prevails, he will make ten times as much.  Al Gore has a lot more than altruism in this horse race. Yet, a Prophet is not supposed to make a profit and so this should reduce Gore's credibility on the issue. But, the press loves him because all the puppets love green-speak.

Why global warming is even debated anymore is a conundrum.  The scientists on the global warming side lied about the data.  Why would they do that? Because it did not prove the world was warming.  The hacked emails of 2009 have proven that the science is bunk and that the scientists are covering up their fudge factors. These fudge factors were hard coded into computer programs (an invalid coding technique), and they were used as if real to demonstrate that their hypotheses were settled science.  Climategate is a lot more real than "Climate Change"  The whole thing was and continues to be a big hoax on the American people. Since Al Gore is the bag man on the Green Movement, what do you exepct him to say?  The Cap and Trade legislation is based on the Hoax. It is a way to siphon off more of America's wealth for the liberal causes of the hard left. Al Gore literally is smiling all the way to the bank.

Obama was for the deal but not enough to make him work. One of Barack Obama's promises during the 2008 campaign was "cap and trade." Environmentalists applauded the idea and felt that it was well worth the cost even if it bankrupted the people of America. Obama had promised he would use "cap and trade" to fight global warming by using a hard cap on carbon emissions to reduce them 80 percent by 2050. He added 10-year goals in between to make it incremental. Under the system, companies along the way. Under would be capped on how much carbon they can emit, but if they were major polluters, they could trade with non-polluters for more permits.   

In reality, Obama had a tough time defending the program and he did not work hard with a majority in the House and Senate. The House passed a bill early on as noted above but the Senate, under control of Democrats and without any real push by Obama dropped it like a hot potato. Thankfully even the Socialists knew this would kill business in America. 

We are the Polluters -- By Breathing

The bill was designed to create a "cap-and-trade" system that forces polluters to amass credits equal to their emissions.  Hidden in the language of the bill, all Americans are declared polluters. If you have enjoyed 70 degree air conditioned temperatures indoors in the summer when the outside temperature was 72, you are a polluter. If you have enjoyed 70 degree temperatures indoors in the winter when the outdoor temperature was 68 degrees, you are a polluter.  If you have ever turned on a light, you are a polluter. If you drive a car, you are a polluter.  If you are awakened each morning by a clock of sorts powered by anything other than a wind-up key, you are a polluter.  If you have ever had food last for more than a month, when the outside temperature was over 32 degrees Fahrenheit, you are a polluter.  Do I have to continue?  Remove all the “ifs, ands, and buts.” You are a polluter. 

Bill with Amendments to Amendments

Just like most legislation these days, this was a 1,428 page, $846 billion law was rammed through the house with little time for the representatives to read it. They saw the bill for the first time 16.5 hours before voting on it.  Who are they kidding?  Congress never read the bill.  But that did not stop them from pleasing the leader.  Nancy said they had to vote on it.  Nancy Pelosi, a person who nobody knew in 2008, became very important because she was voted the House Leader. She insisted the vote be done before even a full day had passed.  To make matters worse, Pelosi squeezed in a 300 page amendment to the bill (included in page count above).  Why an eleventh hour 300 page amendment?  The only answer I can come up with is that probably some friend of a friend was excluded from making their millions from the wake of the bill. Perhaps Al Gore was not getting his proper share of the pie.

Hurry Hurry Hurry

Obviously, there was no real time to debate it and no real time to read the bill or the amendment. Shame on Congress! Shame! Shame! Shame! But, it's OK because the devil made them do it.  Well, maybe it was not the devil, but it was the President and it was the Pelosi. They pushed this thing through as fast as a Ryne Duren fastball (1954 to 1965 - Yankees) would create an HBP stat.

What Really is Cap and Trade?

The cap and trade essence again, hard to explain, is to set in motion a new, clean-energy economy using a notion labeled “cap and trade.”  This "greenhouse gas solution" is purported to provide the certainty that reductions will be achieved by setting emissions goals or caps. It also assures that the goals can be reached through the creation of what are called tradable permits.  In other words, if your company is deemed a polluter, you can trade something of value, such as a huge sum of money to buy the rights to continue polluting, from someone who has become green and has extra carbon credits to spare.  Al Gore actually is in the business of selling Carbon Credits.  How convenient!

Can you imagine the bureaucracy needed to handle this?  But, don't worry, the government will be fair.   By the way, this is what might be called the government controlled option for energy.  Private industry need not apply.  Energy production and use will never be the same after cap and trade. It will affect consumers initially as a simple energy tax.  Simple to say but very hard to pay -- well over $1000 and approaching $2000 for each household per year forever and after forever, it will probably cost lots more. And that $4.00 per gallon gas you thought was in the past, how about $5.00 and higher ? 

What Do Regular Americans Think Of Cap and Trade?

Sometimes, the best way to introduce a notion is to show what folks are thinking about it. So, I collected these posts from the Internet and removed the names to protect the innocent. If anybody finds their quote here, let me know and I would be glad to put your name on our Web site if you so desire.  These numbered posts are random and are from various Internet blogs.  They are taken directly from Chapter 8 of my best selling book, Obama's Seven Deadly Sins, available at www.bookhawkers.com. Look at the other conservative selections at www.bookhawkers.com, including: "Kill the Republican Party."    

  1. For example, if you need to run your A/C because you have asthma, then you will be charged so much, you will not be able to buy your medicine. Oh, wait. That will be taken care of with the new Health Care System. The new Govt. Health Care plan will not allow a doctor to treat someone unless it will IMPROVE their health. Oooops, asthmatics won’t improve, their treatments are only for maintenance. As with diabetics, AIDS patients, children with CF, CS, MS, Jerry’s kids, and on and on and on. Oh, wait. I get it. THAT will reduce energy AND medical costs, as people disappear from the planet -- well, after the obligatory decomposition phase.
  2. First, global warming is not proven science, it is far from it. Why is every scientist that has facts or a differing opinion shunned by the media, and blacklisted from science all together? Let’s look at the big picture. I can understand people want to do good for the environment but everyone is missing the big point. Global Warming (now global climate change) is a HUGE BUSINESS!!!! All this equates to is a money making machine.

Let me explain the typical American. Go to work, come home read the news and see “Global Warming” everywhere, basically the media has made this a SCIENTIFIC FACT when in reality it is not. No American will do their homework so they go right along with it. If the news says it then it is fact. (channel change to American idol now).

Why don’t they have a prime time show with scientists on both sides of the aisle to debate this for the common American to see? Think of all the money these scientists get from the government to slant their studies so that the gov. can throw a fat tax on you. Step outside your political party box and look real hard at what is going on people. Do some research, put the big mac and tv remote down and stimulate your brain.

  1. I agree that this whole GLOBAL WARMING I mean CLIMATE CHANGE is a sham. I have heard that there are over a hundred Climatologists who are opposed to this pop-cultural phenomenon, but can’t get any media time. And I agree that it is all about $$$. Obama and the UN are using this to implement Cap and Trade and that stupid Carbon Tax. Crooks!

Anyway, this Climate Change thing reminds me of that whole USA for Africa fiasco. Remember that? My High School worked for weeks raising relief money. It wasn’t until later we found out that it all went to waste. Where is my oversized white sweatshirt?

  1. Why are you people so willing to be controlled by the federal government? It is no surprise that the Democrats who claim man is causing global warming are now finding a way to tax you and control your behavior… Wake up people the next thing you know they will be taxing the amount of air your breath.

I’m not advocating polluting our air, or our oceans but being taxed for the amount of Carbon we use? Are you kidding me? The number one green house gas is water vapor and it omits 99.46% of the total Co2 into the atmosphere. Even if what the liberal left is telling you is true that we are causing climate change there is no way for us to stop water vapor and even if we stop everything we do that is just a small portion of the Co2 that is going into the atmosphere (.0054%)

Slowly but surely all of our God given rights are being stripped. America needs to wake up and discover that this whole man made global warming thing is a complete and utter hoax.

The earth has survived millions of years of natural disasters, thousands of volcanoes and earthquakes, thousands of tsunami’s and tornadoes. endless hurricanes… And then man who has in the past 60 or 70 years of the industrial revolution has caused the planet to heat up? Really??

...more of these are available in the book...


The fact is that  global warming is not proven science, it is far from it. Every scientist that has facts or a differing opinion are shunned by the UN chiefs and the media, and they are blacklisted from science all together?  If you look at the big picture, you will see that Global Warming (now global climate change) is a HUGE BUSINESS!!!! All this equates to is a money making machine.  On the other side of the argument there are over 100  Climatologists who are opposed to this phenomenon. They see it as a joke upon mankind. They see it all about Obama and the 111th Congress wanting to get the Cap and Trade Carbon Tax to arrest even more control from the people. 

According to the Wall Street Journal, "cap and trade is the tax that dare not speak its name." It is by any other name an energy tax with enough complications to assure the creation of a huge bureaucracy and more government than anybody needs in their lives. The hard left and the go along to get along Democrats in Congress are all for this legislation. They are hoping, in particular, that you and I do not notice who is going to pay for their "green" climate ambitions. This bill is pro grass, pro tree, pro smelt, pro endangered species, but unfortunately, it is not pro human being.

When elected, unlike Matt Cartwright who would love to bring back "cap and trade," I will steadfastly oppose it. Thank God the Democratically controlled Senate in Obama year 2 chose not to pass this monster. We'd all be driving bicycles.